Ziggy has been an integral part of NephrologyUSA for the past eleven years. Originally found homeless roaming the streets of an upper middle class neighborhood in Miami, Ziggy was on the lookout for a nice warm bed and food to eat. When found he wore a sign around his neck-"Will Work for Food". Taking him up on his offer, Ziggy immediately cleaned himself up -went to Dog Obedience Class and got his Certificate of Achievement. Working primarily nights in the office Ziggy has become a protector to our entire organization and in addition has since learned to file.
The fact that our office is paperless has not deterred Ziggy from continuing to have an impact on the orderliness of the office on a daily basis.
For personal reasons he has chosen not to get involved in direct recruiting but he can sniff out good candidates and can smell a good deal when he sees it. In 2011 and again in 2015, Ziggy received The Employee of the Year Award at NephrologyUSA. He was extremely honored and proud to receive both awards. He continues to work hard to make things runs smoothly in the office. Ziggy is always available for a good walk.